5 top players and 3 trends in healthcare cloud computing – Becker’s Hospital Review


The healthcare cloud computing market is a big one — and expected to get bigger. It’s currently valued at $18 billion and predicted to grow nearly 20 percent by 2025, according to a Linchpin SEO report.

Software-as-a-service companies are dominating healthcare cloud computing, according to a May 19 financialnewsmedia.com commentary. Here are five top players in that market:

1. HS GovTech Solutions

2. Microsoft

3. Zoom Video Communications

4. Oracle

5. Palantir Technologies

Linchpin SEO also said the top three cloud computing trends for healthcare companies are use of multiple clouds, increased attention to security and artificial intelligence.

Source: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/healthcare-information-technology/5-top-players-and-3-trends-in-healthcare-cloud-computing.html